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Joint Discussion On Foreign MissionsButton back to previous page

 Elder Lemeul Potter -  Reverend Clay Yates

Closing Arguments - Yates then Potter



I want to say to the people, with Brother Potter, I am thankful from my heart that you have shown so much respect; that you have come out so kindly and listened so earnestly during these six days that have gone by. It has been no little thing for you to leave your homes and come here and spend four hours a day listening to us as we have gone over this large field of discussion. I want to say, further, that while the war has been pretty warm, and my worthy opponent and I have almost had a hand-to-hand combat, figuratively speaking, that I do not hold the remotest feeling of indifference or prejudice toward the brethren that have been opposed to me. I have been speaking, if I know myself, for the honor of God and the advancement of his cause. I also return my thanks to the moderators for their kindness and courtesy during this discussion, and I highly appreciate the kindness and courtesy my opponent has extended to me. Now, in conclusion, I will say this: I hope, my dear friends, that in the hands of God this discussion will prove a blessing to 
all of us in this community, and to the cause of Christ in general. I simply ask you, as one who loves the Master, to investigate this subject; read for yourselves. Truth need not fear investigation, its foundation is permanent and unalterable. I leave it with you; think about it; weigh it. And I pray God that when we are gathered together up in that grand company upon the sunlit mountain of God, where clouds never come, when they come up from the east and from the west, and from the north and from the south, each one of us may hear it said, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant: . . . enter thou into the joy of thy Lord."


According to item seven in the regulations set forth in the Preface, the speeches of the debaters in this joint discussion, as furnished by the stenographer, were revised, examined, and approved. After the speeches were printed, they were submitted to each debater, previous to the binding of the volume, that he might note "errata." It was also understood that if any verbal revision which had been made by either debater was objected to by the other, the same should be fully set forth in an appendix, and in connection therewith should appear the exact corresponding language of the stenographic reporter. The foregoing errata constitute all that has been furnished by the debaters for publication under this agreement. With these exceptions, therefore, the reader will accept the foregoing pages as a correct exhibit of the arguments presented on either side during the joint discussion, no formal certificate of correctness being deemed necessary.


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