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Elder Keith Ellis

Reading Through Your Bible


     In the previous section we discussed the benefit of name study. Of course there are other types of Bible study you will want to do. As we discussed earlier, in order to bring a verse into context, I make it a rule to read ten verses before and at least five after the verse under consideration. Sometimes this is good enough. Sometimes it is not, especially if I want to see the overall picture. In this case I must read my Bible through.

     We can certainly benefit from reading our Bible through from Genesis to Revelation. By doing this we will be able tie events together. We also will be able to witness the progress and backslidings of God's children down through the ages. It may be difficult for some to separate their "read-through" from the word or subject studies, but it will be necessary to do so. So when you are doing your read-through make sure you have your notebook handy so you can make notes about things you will come across for later detailed study. It will take dedication and discipline in order to do this.

     There are several different "read through your Bible" guides available in most Christian book stores. Usually they are geared to have you through your Bible in a one-year time period. In order to do this you may have to read up to three chapters a day or more. It can be done, but if you are not comfortable reading at this pace then I suggest you adopt your own schedule. Remember that this type of study is beneficial, but if you go through too fast you are likely to miss out on a lot of good teaching.

     The reason I say this is because it is not quantity that counts here, it is quality of the reading. I have talked with people before, who told me that they were "reading their Bibles through." They seemed to boast that they did it faster than the one-year schedule. Or a man who is forty years old may tell me he has read it one hundred times since the age of thirty-three.

     To me it does not matter how many times you have read your Bible if you did not have quality reading time. I know our society places pressures on us to think more is always better, but that is not so. Pray to God your time spent in the Bible is quality time. I had rather someone go slow on one verse and understand it than for someone to read the entire Bible and get nothing from it.

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