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II Corinthians 4:7, "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us."

This morning, there are many different classes of the Lord's people. There are those who have not been regenerated yet, there are others who have been regenerated but not heard the gospel, there are others who have heard the gospel and not received it, and there are those that are attempting to follow after the Lord in Spirit and in truth. However, each child of God that has been regenerated has a treasure within their earthen vessel. It is the light that the Lord shines into their soul. It is the heart of flesh that replaces the hard and stony heart. It is the incorruptible seed that CANNOT sin because it is born of God.

However, this morning, not many of those classes listed above are showing forth that treasure that they have within them. Much like gold, silver, and precious stones that are buried deep within the natural earth, our treasures are buried within this corruptible flesh. Our creature was made subject to vanity, and our inner man will remain clothed in the body of this death until he departs and goes back to
God, or the Lord comes back first.  

Therefore, God has worked something within this old flesh that cannot be seen by other men. Those treasures are buried, and it is our job to work them out. If God has worked them into us by His own free grace, then we should work them out to His praise, honour, and glory. We do these things so that others may see the treasure that is within our earthen vessel. They see these things and glorify our Father as a result. While the working may be difficult, it is still something that we take no credit for, because the excellency of the power is still of God, and never of us.  

Also, from the context, it is seen that the preaching of the gospel is a treasure in earthen vessels.  While this is the contextual point, all treasures from the Lord can be seen as residing in these clods of clay (earthen vessels) that we have.  Preaching is something that cannot be accomplished without the Lord’s help, and He has given His ministers a treasure (talent) that they are to utilize to the comfort and edification of Zion and ultimately to His praise. 

Eternally, that treasure would NEVER have resided there had the Lord not done it Himself. However, the working would NEVER have been successful had the Lord not helped us in that endeavor as well. Let us ever work out our own salvation with fear and trembling so that those treasures within us will redound to His glory.

In Hope,

Bro Philip
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