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Daniel 1:7, "Unto whom the prince of the eunuchs gave names: for he gave unto Daniel the name of Belteshazzar: and to Hananiah, of Shadrach; and to Mishael, of Meshach; and to Azariah, of Abednego."

This morning, there are many times when a preacher will say something that is technically not wrong, but seems to show a lack of study. This is always disheartening, for the preacher SHOULD be the most thoroughly studied member of the church. It is the due duty of the congregation to study more and push the preacher to study more. However, when the congregation can point out things to the minister that are a result of lack of study, something has gone astray in the minister's meditations.

To me, one of the clearest cases of this is shown in the verse above. Many, many ministers always refer to the 3 Hebrew children as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. While that is their common reference by other orders, and the names are more easily remembered, let us dig a little deeper to see how we should refer to them. The name Daniel means "judge of God." Hananiah means "God has favoured." Mishael means "who is what God is." Finally, Azariah means "God has helped." This is the literal translation of
their Hebrew names.  

Now, the Chaldean or Babylonian names Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego all are derivations of names of specific Chaldean deities. Therefore, the reason for the name change was to give their gods more glory and honour. Every time that one of these children did something amazing (like interpreting a dream, etc.) it brought honour to the god whose name they bore. Therefore, when we refer to their Babylonian names, we are referencing the gods that be no gods. However, when contrasting their Babylonian names with their Hebrew names, we find that their Hebrew names give all glory and praise to the most High God.  

He is the God that reveals the secrets, and delivers from the burning fiery furnace.  He is the God that delivers from the mouth of lions, and He is the One that casts men down in their pride. Therefore, let us never be found robbing Him of His glory. Let us never hold back what is rightfully His.  He gave them names that brought honour and glory to Him. He made Daniel His judge. He favoured Hananiah, helped Azariah, and made Mishael what He is.  

One final thought, while most people constantly refer to Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, I rarely hear anyone refer to Daniel as Belteshazzar. Why is that? Therefore, let us ever study to learn more of Him who gave all for us. May we ever be ready to listen and learn of Him and know what to say and how to say it.Button back to previous

In Hope,

Bro Philip