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Psalm 103:14, "For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust."

Romans 8:30, "Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified."

This morning, the mercy of God is the theme of our thoughts. When thinking about the mercies of God, many times we focus on one aspect or another (eternal vs. timely being a good example).

Oftentimes, our discussions of mercy find themselves neglecting a major thought in God's merciful dealings with His children. However, we rejoice greatly that our Lord does not forget His mercies and lovingkindnesses unto us, nor does He overlook any thing. One of things that is disturbing to behold in theological discussions is the thought of eternal mercy coupled with timely justice. Some in the religious world claim to hold to the doctrine of the mercy of God being relevant to eternal things, but that He gives us justice here in this life. The reasoning is that folks think God is obligated to give them things in life even though they admit He mercifully gave His Son for our eternal redemption. While I am thankful to believe that He blesses us in our obedience to Him, let us never forget that His mercy (here in time) is what makes that possible. He could have declared no timely mercy regardless of our walk, but thanks be unto Him that He declares Himself merciful unto us when we seek and follow after Him.

The thoughts of timely mercies are very relevant to us today as we stand in need of mercy every hour.  Earlier in the 103rd Psalm, David declares that God has not dealt with us after our iniquities.
Thankfully, that includes this life as well, for the chastisement we feel when going astray pales in
comparison to the suffering that we deserve (justice) for our wicked actions. He has seen fit to bless us and extend His mercy, and the thought reaches a culmination (of sorts) in verse 14. Notice the
language that David employs. God "knoweth" our frame but "remembereth" that we are dust. What is the difference between knowing and remembering? To know something is seen in the sense of what is rapidly pulled into focus in our minds. For example, there are things we can say almost without thinking about them due to our expertise in that field. My occupation (electrical engineering) requires that certain concepts and principles need to be ready at hand to use. I can say that I know these things, and I really do not have to think about them. But, to remember something is to call something back to mind that has not been thought of in a good while. For example, when families get together and reminisce, we remember things that we had not brought into focus sometimes in many years.

So, God knows our frame, but He remembers our dust.  What are we to make of this comparative language? If we look at Paul's description of God's salvation for the elect family of God, we find that every action of the process is in the past tense. God foreknew us, predestinated us, called us, justified us, and glorified us. Each is in the past. We know from our observations that glorification has not yet come topass manifestly. But, to the mind of God, it is as good as done and perfectly complete. He can see and know that the resurrection is a reality that cannot be stopped or thwarted. Therefore, Paul employs language from God's perspective and not ours. The same thought could be seen in the sense of the calling. We know that not all of God's elect family has yet been called
out of nature's darkness in the regeneration. But, God sees the calling in the past tense, which shows forth that every lamb's vital union to Him is secure and firm with none to stop or stay His hand from the purpose.

Therefore, when God looks at His children here, He sees us glorified through the glorious image of His Son seated at His own right hand. His blood is what God looks through to see every heir covered, washed, sanctified, and even glorified. Now, if that is God's perspective, what do we discover about David's refrain? Let us say, for example, that someone had the ability to see the entirety of their children's lives. Could I have the ability to see every thing that would happen to my son for the rest of his life and know from that sight that he would end up all right, how would that affect my actions toward him? How easy it would be to say, "He's going to be all right, for I can see the end and know that he will be fine." Such knowledge might make us less merciful and compassionate as we know that things will turn out all right. But, God, as the ultimate parent, does not do so with His children.

His mercy is such that even though He sees us glorified in the resurrection, He calls to remembrance our current dust. You see dear friends, He knows our frame (knows that one day our frame will be fashioned like unto Christ), but remembers the present circumstance. Our present circumstance is still housed in a body of death and corruption. Our present circumstance prevents us from giving Him the noblest of praises. My own experience is such that I mourn when my voice falters in the song service, when my preaching tongue becomes thick and stammering, and my
steps are fraught with folly. But, our Lord calls to remembrance our present circumstance and is merciful to our many infirmities. He could have never grant natural healing, knowing that our body will one day be glorified, but He continues His lovingkindness to provide sufficient timely grace that helps our often infirmities.

May we offer unto Him praises and offerings with all of our being. We understand that our feeble, dusty frame falters and waxes weak with every passing day.  But, may we ever renew our effort and zeal toward Him, for He comes to where we are. He brings mercies daily that sustain and console us. We look forward in anticipation to the resurrection, but He sees it firmly done and accomplished. We sees our daily shortcomings and weak efforts, but may we be ever thankful that He remembers them and both knows what will be and sees what is. Praise His glorious name not only for eternal mercy in heaven and immortal glory but mercies here as well to bless us even when our efforts fall short of praising and extolling Him as we should.
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In Hope,

Bro Philip