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Psalm 8:3-4, "When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?" 

This morning, nothing will put man in his place any faster than reading verses like this in the Word of God. This verse beautifully shows that man is nothing, and he is not even in the same league as our Almighty God. When man looks around at the creation, there are things that are truly awesome to our minds. Looking over the rim of the Grand Canyon, exploring the depths of Carlsbad Caverns, and peering from the summit of Pike's Peak, sometimes all we can say is "Wow!" However, these awe-inspiring sights are merely the works of His fingers. They are not even close to the fullness of the power that He possesses.

 So, when viewing the creation of God, why would God possibly be mindful of man? Man's nature is completely given to evil and folly. Without the grace of Almighty God, not one good thing would happen by the hands of a man. Yesterday, we considered the sovereignty of God. Sometimes people wonder, "If God has all power and control, is man still responsible?" The answer is yea verily. God is in control, and man is responsible for his behaviour. One might ask, "How do you reconcile those two concepts?"  

An illustration best explains the answer. If the creation of the sun, moon, stars, etc is merely the working of His fingers, then we can reasonably say that the Lord can hold the entire universe in the palm of His hand. Therefore, the events of the universe are all there. However, the Lord's fingers do not constantly go through every event all the time. Thanks be unto Him that He does keep us and deliver us by the working of His fingers on daily occasions. However, when wickedness comes, the Lord's fingers do not actively work those events. All of His works are righteous, and He is just and without iniquity.  

But, again, how awesome is it to consider that He is mindful of us. The only reason that He would be mindful of us is due to the love that He has shown, does show, and will show to us. He loved us to the point of giving His Son to die in our rightful place. When He could have justly left us to our own devices for all time and punished us for those devices for all eternity, He still chose to save and redeem us. Truly, what a great God we have this morning and every morning, and may we ever look toward that never-ending day that will be eternity.Button back to previous

In Hope,

Bro Philip